Laudato Si’ Challenge – Book
The Challenge’, supported by the Vatican, aims to become a multi year initiative convening of the best ideas through a rigorous and tested process.
Nature, Mankind and Liturgy together form the central theme of the Challenge’s identity system. These have been drawn in many forms including a circle, square and cross, lines of longitude and latitude, colours, vignettes, statistics and photographs that balance the organic and the man-made.
As a way of documenting the first Challenge a promotional book was created. The theme of the book was ‘The Social Economy’. Included in the book was essays, stories, presentations and nine interviews with each of companies involved. Each interview was accompanied by an illustration drawn to tell their story. The book showcases the full adaptability of the identity in a dynamic and cohesive series of designs. All beautifully printed in four spot colours and bound in a hardback linen cover.